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Leading dredge operators all around the world now use pipeline floaters rather than steel tanks. We at Scandia Marine in Singapore have developed what we consider to be a future world leader. With extensive research into P.E. Plastics, closed cell ridged P.U. Foam chemicals and detailed survey reports from dredge operators, we listen to what you need in the operating field and have since arrived at a system with the following features: -

* Does not absorb water, capsize or sink
* Slides on to new and existing steel pipe
* Plastic, completely corrosion resistant
* Impact flexibility, wieldable 15mm H.D.P.E. plastic
* Stackable on land or barge
* No need for removal of steel pipe for stacking
* Lightweight and easy to handle
* Replaceable in 2m sections
* Available in many different colours
* Reduces bad weather downtime
* Reduces mobilisation cost, time and equipment
* Reduces internal wear on pipe if steel tanks are being used

For more information and details, please contact us. We will provide information on operational advantages as well as cost savings that our system can offer. If you are using other types of floating pipelines, we will also be able to provide for additional benefits and stipulate a competitive offer for your next requirement. Endorsed by some of the major dredging companies around the world, we will be happy to furnish you with a reference list on request.